
At the beginning of October residents supported by The Harlow Alliance Party submitted a CRB in respect of land which
Following Harlow Council’s acceptance of the Community Right to Bid (CRB) made by residents living near Water Lane Playing Field
Back in July, with the support of 21 residents, Party Leader Nicholas Taylor made a Community Right to Bid to
Ms Louise Phillips MA MSc MRTPI the Government appointed independent Inspector of the Epping Forest District Council's Local Plan published
The decision made by Uttlesford District Council (UDC) on 28 June clearly demonstrates that a Political Party formed by local
A Public Enquiry was held by a Planning Inspector at the Latton Bush Centre on Tuesday 11 June. HAP and
The Harlow Alliance Party has been attending the Epping Forest District Council Local Plan (EFLP) Examination. The EFLP Examination commenced
Complaints about the lack of parking spaces on housing estates across Harlow was a very common one heard by members
Having spent more that £250,000 last year on work to improve Market Square, the Labour Group at Harlow Council recently
The Party made significant gains in the number of votes it received in the four Wards which it contested at