Steve Barnes

My family and I moved to Harlow in 1957. I attended Spring Hills Primary School and then Burnt Mill Comprehensive School and loved to play football in a Town full of pitches and players that made up the biggest League in Europe.

In November 1972 I started my career as a Building Surveyor at Epping & Ongar Rural District Council (now EFDC) in the Engineers & Surveyors Dept.

Having spent 40 years plus years working in Regulatory Services at various London Authorities, International Distillers & Vintners (formerly Gilbeys) and British Airports Authority I returned to Epping Forest in 2014 until I finished my time in 2019.

This is my Town, I got married in a local church to a wonderful local girl and we’ve remained ever since because we were proud of our Town. My pride is however diminishing year by year because of the state we are letting the town get into and the failure of the Council to adequately communicate with its residents about their needs.

I became a member of the Harlow Alliance Party because of the Councils shameful treatment of the local residents in relation to the former Sherards House site where they intend to ride roughshod over their own green Local Plan policies by felling 24 trees.

Your elected Councillors are there to represent the residents of their ward not the bias of their respective political parties.

If you need help to protect your green spaces in the town then contact us.