Failure to maintain council houses.
Wasting money on vanity projects such as Market Square.
Failing to keep residents informed.
Wasting money on housing projects which never got built.

Failure in their pledge to stop building taking place on Harlow’s border.
To date, failure to deliver any more new council homes.
Failure to get roads re-surfaced, pot holes, pot holes and more pot holes.
A local party in disarray, resignations, sackings and a lack of leadership.

Nicholas Taylor
Candidate for Great Parndon Ward

Alan Leverett
Candidate for Sumners & Kingsmoor Ward

Karen James
Candidate for Staple Tye Ward
Stopping Harlow Council from selling land to developers.
The Harlow Alliance Party has now helped residents in 14 areas in Harlow take action which stops the Council from selling land near their homes to developers. Such action is known as a Community Right to Bid. The Council hold a register of successful applications. If at any time in the future they wish to sell land to developers it must first offer it to the community.
Please contact us if you would like HAP to help you and your neighbours seek such an application for land near your home.

A new Council home building programme.
The Tory led Council promised a new house building boom but after nearly two years in control of the Council there is little sign of that. The Harlow Alliance Party believes that the Council should make best use of its existing resources by exclusively building homes for older residents who would move from their large houses, which could then be used for families. In the longer term, as these homes become vacant, another new older resident could move in, vacating their family sized home for someone on the Councils Housing Register.

Better maintained Council houses
The Council has long since spent tax payer’s money maintaining its housing stock but often leaving many houses unrepaired and unpainted for decades. The Harlow Alliance Party will press the Council to commence a comprehensive programme of works to bring its houses into good order.

Re-opening of public toilets.
Even if open for only a couple of hours a day, residents who find it difficult to go out to shop where there are no public toilets would be able to do so if toilets were open for a couple of hours each day. The Harlow Alliance Party believe that this would create more footfall into the Neighbourhood Shopping Centres, boosting trade for local shop keepers.

Supporting residents objecting to Planning Applications.
The Harlow Alliance Party has helped many residents object to Planning Applications. Time and time again Harlow Councillors have taken the view that ‘we know best’. The Party will continue to support residents who feel that their objections are being ignored

Stopping wasting money on vanity projects
The Council has a long history of wasting money, whether it be on refurbishing Market Square, on failed housing developments or on the latest, moving the bus station a few yards in front of the present one. The Harlow Alliance Party was set up in 2018 because a group of residents felt that the Council took a ‘we know best’ attitude when making decisions. We will undertake to engage more with residents, to listen to what they say before making decisions and then to send feedback in a timely and proper fashion.