Quiz nine ….. week beginning 18 May
Round one ……. Around the world
1 Where were the 2004 Olympic games held?
2 What is the oldest and largest city in Australia?
3 After Asia which is the second largest continent?
4 In which country would you find the capital Ankara?
5 In which country is Luxor airport?
6 The Great Barrier Reef is situated off which Australian State?
7 On which continent is Swahili spoken?
8 In which US state is Dallas?
9 Where is the Elephant House Cafe where J K Rowling is said to have written most of the Harry Potter books?
10 In which London Royal Park features an open air theatre that is home to the New Shakespeare Company?
Round Two ….. Through the decades (there are ‘repeats’)
1 In which decade was Margaret Thatcher born?
2 In which decade did India get it’s independence from Britain?
3 In which decade did the original Dr Finlay’s casebook appear?
4 In which decade did books first appear on CD Rom’s?
5 In which decade was Eva Cassidy born?
6 In which decade did the Pony Express last run, 1860’s or 1920’s?
7 In which decade did Cher celebrate her 60th birthday?
8 In which decade was Stanley Baldwin Prime Minister?
9 The Olmpics were held in Paris …. ‘Chariots of Fire Connection’?
10 Roger Bannister ran the first 4 minute mile?
Round three ……. Music
1 ‘Dancing in the streets’ is based on which Detroit record label?
2 What is the surname of all the ‘Corrs’?
3 In which decade did Wet Wet Wet sing ‘Love is all around’?
4 Whose third No 1 hit in the UK was ‘Oops I did it again?
5 Rihanna released which song, Rude Boy or Bad Boy or Good Boy?
6 In which year did Elton John have his best ever selling song, 1974 or 1997?
7 Was the musical ‘Cat’ based on poems or paintings?
8 Who released the LP ‘No jacket required?
9 Which music radio show started in 1942 an early participant was Arthur Askey?
10 What was the Beatles last No1 hit?
Round Four …… Pot Luck
1 What letter is to the right of Y on a key board?
2 David Cameron was MP for where, Windsor, Witney or Woking?
3 What country did the founder of the Red Cross come from?
4 What is the surname of the Ryanair CEO, Michael ……….. ?
5 Penicillin was the first what?
6 In which country did the first Womens Institute open, Wales, Canada or New Zealand?
7 In which country were ambulances first used, Scotland or France?
8 What was Frank Sinatra’s second name?
9 What was the first name of George Harrison’s widow?
10 What is the shape of a Pie Chart?