PLANNING APPLICATION HW/PNT/22/00258 requests permission to erect an imposing 5G mast on Kingsmoor Road, adjacent to 124 Greygoose Park
Harlow Council’s overriding concern should be for the welfare of local people and the natural world in which we live.
The installation of this mast would be an incompatible and unacceptable use of the land. All the facts show there is a huge risk to our health and the environment. There is a legal case underway being led by eminent barrister Michael Mansfield which is challenging the Government’s lack of proper risk assessment as well as their failure to protect public health, particularly children.”
This mast would be overbearing and unfitting to the surrounding area. There is evidence that the emissions from such masts are a pollutant which cause adverse health effects and it is known that radiation exposure levels within 500m of a mast increase the risk of neurological symptoms, headaches and loss of memory and learning capabilities, especially in children.
Industry has not produced a single study to show that 5G is safe or undertaken any risk assessment for effects on humans, wildlife and the environment for this laser-like beam forming technology.
For the above reasons the Harlow Alliance Party urged residents to object to this application and we are pleased to report that the Council refused permission for the erection of a mast in this location.