Harlow Council Local Plan – New Housing

As highlighted in a previous article the areas proposed by Harlow Council for house building can be found on page 53 of the draft of the Harlow Local Development Plan.  The complete plan (totalling 193 pages) can be found on the Harlow Council website by clicking through this image.

Link to Harlow Local Plan

For convenience the relevant table from the plan is documented below.  The Harlow Alliance Party has identified several areas within the proposal that we believe should be removed from the list and substituted with other sites which we have identified as more suitable for housing development.

1Princess Alexandra Hospital 650
2The Stow Service Bays 70
3Land east of Katherines Way, west of Deer Park69
4Lister House, Staple Tye Mews, Staple Tye Depot and 42
5South of Clifton Hatch 36
6Riddings Lane 35
7Kingsmoor Recreation Centre 35
8The Evangelical Lutheran Church, Tawneys Road 35
9Land east of 144-154 Fennells 23
10Pollard Hatch plus garages and adjacent land 20
11Land between Second Avenue and St. Andrews Meadow 16
12Coppice Hatch and garages 16
13Sherards House 15
14Elm Hatch and public house 13
15Playground west of 93 – 100 Jocelyns 12
16Fishers Hatch 10
17Slacksbury Hatch and associated garages 10
18Garage blocks adjacent to Nicholls Tower 10
19Stewards Farm 10
20Land between Barn Mead and Five Acres 10
21Pypers Hatch 10

Note that dwelling numbers are only indicative and sites will be subject to detailed planning to establish their final capacity.