With the help of The Harlow Alliance Party, The Residents Association at Waterhouse Moor have succesfully applied to Harlow Council for a CRB in respect of land adjacent to St Andrews Meadow.
Much of this land was earmarked by Harlow’s Labour controlled Council as a site on which homes were to be built in the next few years. Little or no notice was given to residents about this plan until they were presented to residents at a public meeting to discuss the Elm Hatch development nearby.
Despite the fact that the site was removed from the Local Plan by the Government appointed Inspector on 18 December 2019, residents felt the need to ensure that if the Council ever decided to sell the land for housing to be built on it, they would like to be given the chance to purchase the land for themselves and thus retain it as a public open space.
This is yet another really good example of what a group of residents can achieve when they come together to form a Residents Association.